Facebook has a review system like many other modern web platforms: you can log in to your account, click on some stars, and post a custom written review for the... read more →
LinkedIn is all sorts of messed up & backwards. Last week Darren Nix wrote about "the absurdity of LinkedIn" which basically pointed out how logged out users have more benefits... read more →
or does it need one? In addition to being a dad & husband, I am also our households network administrator. Like many houses, we have a ton of devices: 4... read more →
I dropped the hammer and committed to learning Photoshop so I launched 30images30days.com. Check it out!
I've been really happy with the progress I've been making in Photoshop. I think I can definitely say I am beyond beginner level and have moved to become an amateur.... read more →
Oh man, one place you know you don't mess around on is Reddit. The place is full of insane crazy good hackers and programmers that investigate every single comment and... read more →
My name is Patrick and I have been programming for over 20 years. In the past 10 years, I've mainly worked on the management side so mainly most of my... read more →
One missing piece to my career in internet marketing has been the ability to take solid pictures, as well as create very basic images in Photoshop. I'm not setting out... read more →
Very much excited to be speaking at what I consider one of the largest industry conferences in the world. Affiliate Summit, the premier affiliate marketing conference, was founded by Missy Ward... read more →
Welcome everyone to the personal blog of Patrick Coombe. I am definitely open to contributions, but for god's sakes don't send me garbage. If you'd like me to interview you... read more →