As long as there is search, there will be SEO.
Ye Olde Blog of SEO
Mar 25

Speaking at Affiliate Summit East

Very much excited to be speaking at what I consider one of the largest industry conferences in the world. Affiliate Summit, the premier affiliate marketing conference, was founded by Missy Ward and Shawn Collins in 2003 for the purpose of providing educational sessions on the latest industry issues and fostering a productive networking environment for affiliate marketers.  The great thing about Affiliate Summit is it is not all about affiliates. The speakers at ASE/W are from a variety of different industries and organizations. A lot of times you get to hear from top level SEO’s at Fortune 500 companies, very successful internet entrepreneurs, CEO’s of mega-corporations, successful independent affiliates, and more!

The topic I’ll be speaking on is titled, “Effectively Managing Organic Campaigns for Small Businesses”  which is a topic that I am ever-so passionate about.  I’ve been managing organic SEO campaigns for a number of years now, have spoken a number of times on this, and generally feel as though I have something to offer that can help people in my situation do a better job at what they are doing.

Since I’ve mainly spoken to non-SEO’s about this topic in the past, or SEO’s at a much lower knowledge level, I’ll probably redesign my presentation for a higher knowledge level so it won’t be so, obvious.

I’m very grateful to Shawn and everyone over at ASE for choosing me for this great opportunity.  This is a great career boost for me and I’m embracing every aspect of it.

If you would like to learn more or are interested in attending, check out the website for Affiliate Summit or shoot me an email if you have any questions. Thanks!

About The Author

Patrick is an SEO blogger and the founder of Elite Strategies, an SEO and internet marketing agency located in Delray Beach, FL.