Apple's new "pro display stand" is truly repulsive. Other than the obvious fact that it is an overpriced piece of (probably) composite aluminum, it lacks basic features that even the... read more →
In December of 18, Microsoft announced their plans to "adopt the Chromium open source project in the development of Microsoft Edge on the desktop" I just about lost my mind.... read more →
I've been shopping around lately for a new social media scheduling tool for my "personal brand" (man, I swore I'd never say that) and came across Marketing Labs. The fine... read more →
I was lucky enough to score one of LG's first US laptops recently. I've been without a laptop for a few months now, and have been scoping out what has... read more →
Note: Per the title, this is a friendly audit and more of a project-style post and not an attack or personal criticism of Matt in any way. I resepect Matt... read more →
Twas playing with Twitter on my Android today, minding my own business when I came upon Twitter's new internal web browser. First thing to know about Twitter's new internal web... read more →
For anyone that isn't aware, Google recently launched a program dubbed "Google Contributor." I added my email to the invite list and was blessed with an early invite this morning.... read more →
Black, white, or grey - if you are an SEO you probably use Scrapebox as a tool for one purpose or another. It is at the top of every "SEO... read more →
You just cannot reinvent email, period. Most people just want the basic features of email: from, cc, bcc, and attachments. Maybe some MIME/rich media. Recently I decided to give Google... read more →
Ok lets see here. Google+'s existence is and has been a fun debate, for sure. Larry Kim and Google+ battled this out on social networks, amongst others last week. It... read more →